Prevenzione 5.0
To strengthen the services and skills of health workers and linguistic-cultural mediators in protecting the health of asylum seekers and refugees
The Prevention 5.0 project, in line with the work already carried out in the framework of Prevention 4.0 and in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy on migration and health, aims to strengthen the services and skills of health workers and linguistic-cultural mediators in protecting the health of asylum seekers and refugees, including unaccompanied minors and all migrants in a physical and/or psychologically vulnerable condition, living in the various reception centres of the Region of Apulia.
Through the enhancement and strengthening of a multilevel governance model and through the activation of intercultural and multi-skilled care and early vulnerability detection pathways by the National Health Service’s Territorial Services, the project also aims to implement structured actions with multi-professional teams and, therefore, to improve access to local health services and the connection with the relevant socio-health services.
Among its principal objectives, Prevention 5.0 will implement the quality of health and social services through: a regular mapping of needs; the strengthening of multilevel and multistakeholder governance in the field of health and social services; the enhancement of a community medicine approach; facilitating access to health services through cultural mediation; the experimentation of an intercultural protected hospital discharge service; the enhancement of Telehealth measures; the improvement of intercultural skills and the strengthening of specialisation pathways through qualified training; and the creation of a wide-ranging communication campaign to foster access to the regional health system.
In addition to the project partners, collaborations will be set up with Local Health Authorities, Prefectures, regional ANCI branches, and civil society organisations involved in health protection, inclusion and participation of third-country nationals.
The beneficiaries of the project are asylum seekers and refugees, including minors, in a condition of physical and/or psychological vulnerability and in need of specific health care, hosted in the various reception centres in the Region of Apulia.
Indirect beneficiaries are local public and private healthcare workers and reception system operators.
Expected Results
The implemented interventions will achieve results with lasting effects even after the end of the funding:
- Increased access/use of health services by third-country nationals, particularly those in vulnerable situations
- Professional updating of healthcare and social service workers and mediators
- Activation of innovative and experimental services
- Enhancement of intercultural mediation
- Development of regional plans for the inclusion of healthcare for third-country nationals
- Alleviation of social pressure on healthcare facilities
Project detail
Stato del progetto
Fonte di Finanziamento
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027- Specific Objective 1. Asylum - Implementation measure 1.b - Scope 1.d – Intervention Implementation of the management of vulnerability in reception facilities by local healthcare and social services
NOVA Consorzio di Cooperative Sociali, AReSS Puglia - Agenzia regionale strategica per la salute e il sociale, Opera San Francesco Saverio CUAMM, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Consorziale Policlinico di Bari, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Policlinico Riuniti di Foggia